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Our Water Monitoring Systems (WMS) represent advanced telemetry solutions that allow operators to track live system data like flow, TSS and pH along with access to trends and reports of the clarified water quality, via a user-friendly interface. The WMS enables real-time visibility into treatment performance, ensuring continuous environmental compliance by providing data to demonstrate adherence to discharge consent conditions. This powerful monitoring solution streamlines general oversight, manages resource utilisation, and simplifies water treatment as a whole. When integrated with our range of advanced water treatment equipment, this technology adds another dimension to process control and operational intelligence.
Key Features
- Access to real-time sensor data,alarms, analytics, and historical trends for comprehensive process visibility
- Offsite backupand increased cybersecurity with cloud data storage for enhanced system resilience
- Seamless integrationwith all units from our Water Treatment range
- Predictive analyticsleveraging machine learning to flag issues before they become problems