Thermostat arguments hotting up with winter now upon us!

With Christmas fast approaching and temperatures plummeting accordingly, couples up and down the country are engaging in intense stand-offs – and you might be surprised about the reason why.

An annual battle for the thermostat seems to have commenced in most households which has predictably sparked an endless cycle of disagreements.

Andrews Heat for Hire recently surveyed 2,000 cohabiting couples on the matter, with around half of respondents admitting that they have quarreled with their partner over the temperature of their home.

Our findings also uncovered that more than 90% of people switch their central heating back on before December which means that arguments are extremely prevalent at this time of year!

A common cause of conflict is the cost of overuse, with 62% of those asked pinpointing rising energy bills as a factor they’re particularly wary of. This mindset is responsible for one in seven couples delaying warming up their property for as long as possible.

Naturally, some take matters into their own hands. Almost 60% have returned homed to discover the temperature has been changed to befit the preference of their partner – a regular catalyst for spats!

One in six said they frequently control the thermostat via an app which appears to be an increasingly popular method by which to monopolise the central heating system.

Of those who control their thermostat through their phone or tablet, over two thirds have used it to change the temperature behind their partner’s back.

The study revealed that this kind of underhand behaviour is among the most frequently pinpointed traits that people dislike of their other halves. Snoring, mismanaging money and being lazy were also consistently selected but as the statistics above prove, it’s difficult to find something more divisive than people’s preferred temperature in the home!

1. Have you turned the central heating on in your home yet?                 

Yes                                         88.70%

No                                           7.10%

I don’t have central heating           4.20%


2. In which month does the heating typically go on in your household?                    

August           2.30%

September     10.65%

October          43.11%

November      36.74%

December      2.87%

Not sure         4.33%


3. Do you ever worry about how much your energy bills will cost if you turn on the heating too early?                

Yes     62.06%

No       37.94%

4. For what reason might you wait till later in the year to turn the heating on?                     

To keep costs down                                                  59.76%

My partner wants to keep it off                              14.09%

Environmental concerns                                          17.17%

I don’t get that hot                                                     15.08%

My heating is broken                                                  3.76%

Other reasons                                                               5.27%

N/a – no particular reason                                        10.44%

N/a – I do not wait to put the heating on               11.69%


5. What have you ever done to avoid putting on the heating? (tick all that apply)                

Wore an extra layer                                                 50.65%

Used blankets                                                          38.65%

Used an extra duvet                                                 21.75%

Bought extra socks                                                  13.53%

Worn slippers                                                           34.75%

Drank hot beverages                                               34.57%

Kept blinds and curtains open to let more light and heat in     8.87%

Eaten soup                                                                17.79%

Stood by the oven / cooker                                     14.72%

Worn your coat indoors                                          12.23%

Covered yourself in towels                                      2.72%

Spent longer in the shower                                      9.22%

Used an electric blanket                                           10.46%

Stayed in bed longer                                                  20.63%

Used a portable heater                                              11.94%

Filled up a hot water bottle                                      22.99%

Had an extra-long bath                                             11.35%

Worn gloves                                                                 8.63%

Gone to someone else’s house                                  4.85%

Sat in the car with the heater on                              3.61%

Keeping the windows closed                                     36.41%

Bought rugs / carpets                                                 4.91%

Used microwavable heating packs                           5.61%

Worn a scarf indoors                                                  10.99%

Exercised                                                                       10.99%

N/a – I don’t get cold                                                   1.30%

N/a – nothing in particular                                        15.84%

Other                                                                               1.18%


6. When you have the heating on, how often does your partner adjust the thermostat in a way you don’t like?                      

Every time the heating is on                      6.78%

Most of the time when the heating is on  15.92%

Occasionally when the heating is on        33.46%

Never                                                             26.20%

N/a – my partner never adjusts the heating         17.64%


7. If your partner adjusts the thermostat / temperature in the house, which are they most likely to do?            

Turn the heating up                                     34.79%

Turn the heating down                                28.96%

Neither / both equally likely                        36.25%

8. Who controls the thermostat in your home?                   

Me                                                       30.58%

My partner                                         20.98%

Other family member                       2.24%

N/a – no one in particular                46.19%


9. Have you ever argued with your partner about the right time to turn the heating on?             

Yes – all the time                              10.07%

Yes – once or twice                          29.59%

No – but argue about other things to do with the heating         10.49%

N/a – never argue with my partner about the heating    49.84%


10. Have you ever argued with your partner about the temperature the thermostat is set to?                       

Yes – all the time      23.20%

Yes – once or twice  54.63%

No                               22.16%


11. How many times do you argue about the heating in your home? (in an average week)                       

0          16.55%

1          18.31%

2          13.84%

3          10.61%

4          8.01%

5          7.28%

6          2.91%

7          2.60%

8          1.04%

9          0.52%

10+     2.19%

Not sure         16.13%

Average         2.59


12. Do you ever change the temperature on the thermostat when your partner is not looking?                       

Yes – all the time      11.90%

Yes – sometimes      38.94%

No                               49.16%


13. Do you own a remote or app to control the heating?

Yes     16.08%

No       83.92%


14. Have you used a remote or app to control the heating behind your partner’s back?                

Yes – all the time      31.17%

Yes – sometimes      37.01%

No       31.82%


15. Has an argument ever broken out between you and your partner as a result of them changing the heating settings behind your back?             

Yes     34.71%

No       65.29%


16. Which of the below most closely applies to your partner?               

My partner gets hot more easily than me             28.95%

My partner gets cold more easily than me           41.60%

Both                                                                            14.35%

Not sure                                                                     15.10%

17. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statement: ‘I have considered breaking up with my partner because of their irritating thermostat-adjusting habits at least once’?                      

Strongly agree                                  4.88%

Somewhat agree                              12.66%

Neither agree nor disagree             13.15%

Somewhat disagree                         5.09%

Strongly disagree                             64.21%


18. Does your partner have any annoying habits which get on your nerves?

Yes, many                 17.35%

Yes, one or two        48.70%

No, not really             33.95%


19. Which of these annoying habits does your partner have? Tick all that apply.                

Bad breath    9.08%

Snoring          41.48%

Restless / Fidgety sleeper  20.97%

General poor hygiene         6.13%

Burping / Farting      24.15%

Sharp fingernails / toenails 8.18%

Bites nails     10.45%

Drinking from the carton     6.74%

Poor grooming          8.10%

Poor diet        12.64%

Swearing       12.26%

Bad table manners  9.61%

Generally rude          9.01%

Poor money management  19.38%

Smoking        9.69%

Binge drinking          9.16%

Laziness        18.47%

Being late      12.34%

Cheating       4.47%

Being disorganised 22.79%

None of the above   11.13%


20. What temperature do you consider to be just right inside your home? (in degrees) Please select best match              

16        1.30%

17        1.45%

18        9.35%

19        9.30%

20        20.85%

21        15.45%

22        12.10%

23        6.40%

24        3.15%

25        2.55%

26        0.80%

27        0.30%

28        0.50%

29        0.10%

30+     0.55%

N/a – I do not have an ideal temperature 15.85%

Average         20.76

21. How long do you tend to leave the heating on each day? (in hours) please select best match           

0          0.37%

1          2.61%

2          8.66%

3          9.29%

4          13.73%

5          11.59%

6          10.59%

7          5.69%

8          7.15%

9          2.09%

10        4.49%

11        0.47%

12        2.56%

13        0.37%

14        1.41%

15+     5.74%

N/a – I do not have the heating on every day      13.20%

Average         6.12


22. Have you ever argued with your partner about costly energy bills?                       

Yes – all the time      7.62%

Yes – once or twice  23.70%

No       68.68%


23. If you own a car, do you argue with your partner about the heating whilst you are driving?                   

Yes – all the time      5.55%

Yes – sometimes      24.05%

No                               58.80%

N/a – Do not own a car        11.60%


24. Do you ever get too hot at work?              

Yes – all the time      8.40%

Yes – sometimes      32.20%

No       29.45%

N/a – unemployed / retired  29.95%