Sykes Pumps help local council avert flooding

When local housing and shops suffered flooding following heavy rainfall in Essex, Sykes Pumps were approached and asked to help facilitate the construction of a new culvert.

The client had plans for building a large culvert in the affected area, with the aim of allowing excess storm water to drain away from nearby residential and commercial properties. While works were taking place, our engineers were required to provide an immediate pumping solution to over-pump the excess water – allowing the contractor to install the culvert.

To carry out these works, our experts proposed the use of one Super Wispaset 100mm pump and two Super Wispaset 150mm silent pumps, which were used to ensure the construction area was kept dry throughout the duration of the project.

The customer was extremely pleased once the over-pumping package was commissioned, which served to ensure the development remained on track. By supplying the critical pump hire equipment immediately, we ensured all works were completed on schedule.

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