Case Study

Sykes Pumps assist major archaeological dig

At Sykes Pumps, we regularly provide dewatering assistance to clients in the construction industry to ensure building or excavation projects can go ahead. So when the Museum of London Archaeology was looking to pinpoint an 1800-year-old city defence wall near St. Bartholomew’s Hospital, a temporary pump arrangement was sought.

The construction company running the site contacted Sykes Pumps to come up with a solution which could be implemented quickly. This preceded a regional technician meeting with the client the following day, enabling both parties to discuss an appropriate course of action without disrupting ongoing digs.

After setting up well points on targeted areas, we delivered two 6” Super Wispa pumpsets along with necessary hosing. These two units were left running constantly once commissioned in order to keep each point dry and safe. The type of application meant that it would be beneficial to equip both pumps with 60CFM vacuums, which are ideal for scenarios where both water and air are present in the system.

This response proved extremely effective and helped the construction firm not only save time, but also cap costs. Our equipment remained on hire for around two months – the period it took for the excavation to be successfully completed.

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