Welsh petrochemical plant requires dehumidification for tank drying

Every few years, industrial facilities dry out their fuel tanks and other large containers before engaging in restorative processes. Whether these need painting, repairing or any other form of maintenance, it is important that all residual moisture is removed from inside these steel vessels.

Andrews Dehumidification is widely experienced in assisting projects of this nature, with numerous clients operating in the petrochemical and oil sector. So when one of them contacted us in search of a temporary hire solution, we were able to deliver and install one almost immediately.

Our customer was looking to blast off old paint from inside the tank, before applying a new coat. It was therefore our responsibility to ensure that metal surfaces were not left exposed to high humidity levels, as this would lead to irreversible corrosion.

With this in mind, we supplied a KT2000 desiccant dehumidifier unit and an Aurora FH185 indirect fired heater. Air from both products was then ducted inside each tank, thus providing the necessary protection against oxidisation and gingering. As a result, the assignment was carried out without any problems – much to the delight of our client.

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