temporary pumps for pumping station

Emergency pump hire keeps popular shopping mall open

The breakdown of a sewer pumping station can have a very serious and immediate impact on its surrounding area, requiring an urgent response to prevent discharge spillage and allow repair works to be carried out. Designed to transfer waste from an underground well to a central main, pumping stations undertake a very important task.

A Sykes Pumps engineer was recently called out following reports of an issue at a shopping centre on the south coast. The facilities manager responsible for looking after the site explained that their pumping station had failed and left a busy retail hub potentially at the mercy of untreated sewage.

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Stand-in pump hire replacement keeps MOD pumping station online

Towards the end of summer, Sykes was contacted by a utility contractor working on behalf of a Ministry of Defence site in Lincolnshire. Our client was looking for a temporary solution to be installed as a replacement for units located in a pumping station on site. The customer’s existing pumps required routine maintenance and so had to be decommissioned to enable them to be attended to.

The application necessitated a pump hire solution that could divert water over a hill and match the output of the equipment that was originally in place. For this to be accurately calculated, we sent a local expert to the location so that they could specify the job in person.

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