Silt Away

Learn more about: The Lamella Clarifiers (LC25 + LC50)

In case you missed the news, we have expanded our fleet to introducing our water treatment division.

This week we are highlighting the Lamella Clarifiers (LC25 + LC50).

These advanced inclined plate clarifiers are engineered to proficiently segregate challenging suspended particles, such as silt and clay, from water or wastewater flows. These sophisticated systems harness the capabilities of angled inclined lamella plates, offering superior settling and compaction of solids in contrast to conventional designs.

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Sykes provide pumping equipment for excavation project

Our experts were recently drafted in after a well-known construction company in Essex encountered problems with keeping their site dry. The problem was preventing them from laying concrete foundations as the intended area was too wet.

The construction project was taking place by a large lake which, due to underground digging, was causing water to seep into the site. We were therefore asked to overpump the contaminated water from the excavation area and redirect it back into the lake while removing all sediment and silt.

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Sykes Pumps develop new environmentally friendly silt separation system

In the majority of cases, water pollution is caused by the presence and prolonged build-up of sediment, silt and other abrasives which puts mounting pressure on our clients to ensure discharged water is as silt free as it can be before being reintroduced to a natural watercourse.

Increasing requirements for companies to take their ecological obligations seriously has led to Sykes Pumps adding a new environmentally friendly product to our extensive hire fleet – the Sykes Silt Away.

By deploying a Silt Away unit on site, customers can be confident of avoiding substantial fines and adverse publicity, as well as suffering enforced closures. In recent months, a number of organisations have been hit with hefty financial penalties for not taking sufficient precautions – including a major housebuilder who was fined a six-figure amount for negligent practice.

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