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Andrews Heat for Hire: making winter more affordable!

With continually rising energy prices, we understand businesses need smart solutions to dramatically reduce heating costs this winter. Andrews Sykes offers several advanced options to help companies efficiently and affordably warm their workspaces:

Switch to Industrial Heating Oil

Transitioning your heating systems to our cleaner-burning, highly efficient Industrial Heating Oil (IHO) can lead to substantial fuel savings of up to 25% compared to traditional diesel. Producing fewer noxious emissions while retaining the same key performance qualities, our IHO-powered rental heaters and boilers also achieve over 90% efficiency for maximum energy savings.

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Metal manufacturer protects steel consignment and saves money in the process!

There is no better indicator of our excellent customer service than yielding repeat customers. As a basic principle, we always aim to stand out from the competition and add value to a project each time we visit a site.

Earlier this month, our experts were approached by one of the UK’s largest steel producers – as has been the case for most of the last decade!

The change in weather meant that moisture levels had risen above the safe range of between 35-55%, drastically increasing the risk of corrosion and metal oxidation. With hundreds of thousands of pounds worth of steel exposed to high levels of moisture, a dedicated solution was required to preserve our client’s assets.

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