pumps for water treatment

Learn more about: The Lamella Clarifiers (LC25 + LC50)

In case you missed the news, we have expanded our fleet to introducing our water treatment division.

This week we are highlighting the Lamella Clarifiers (LC25 + LC50).

These advanced inclined plate clarifiers are engineered to proficiently segregate challenging suspended particles, such as silt and clay, from water or wastewater flows. These sophisticated systems harness the capabilities of angled inclined lamella plates, offering superior settling and compaction of solids in contrast to conventional designs.

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Revolutionising industrial water management: Introducing our new Water Treatment division

At Sykes Pumps, we understand the critical importance of effective water treatment for industrial operations. That’s why we’re excited to announce the launch of our new Water Treatment range, featuring advanced technologies to enhance water quality compliance and management.

With decades of experience behind us, we’re delighted to now offer our customers these groundbreaking new solutions and establish a division specifically geared towards this niche provision. We will leverage our expertise to develop and pioneer innovations ahead of legislative changes, keeping our customers on the right side of environmental conformity.

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Water management legislation: Sink or swim for UK businesses

With the need for sustainable environmental practice at heightened levels, Jonathan King, Technical Manager at Sykes Pumps, outlines the importance of customers staying on the right side of current water treatment laws.

Water treatment processes play a crucial role in preserving our planet and promoting greener ways of working. It is essential for companies to mitigate their ecological impact and contribute to a cleaner, healthier existence, ensuring compliance with regulations set by regulators. For England and Wales, the laws are contained in the Environmental Permitting Regulations 2010, and for Scotland, in the Water Environment (Controlled Activities) Regulations 2011 (known as the Controlled Activities Regulations or ‘CAR’).

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