healthcare cooling

Cancer screening stays on track thanks to hired cooling solution

When someone is preparing to undergo a potentially stressful examination, the least a hospital and its staff can do is help maximise patient comfort by any means possible. In some cases, this could be explaining the procedure or providing an isolated area for a greater degree of privacy. On other occasions, a little more is needed.

In the build-up to summer, Andrews Air Conditioning was approached by a teaching medical centre in Yorkshire after a very specific requirement surfaced. Three dedicated breast screening units were becoming too warm for both patients and doctors, and this was thought to be predominantly caused by mammogram machines being constantly in use.

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Emergency air conditioning hire helps keep vital medical staff cool

The impact of COVID-19 has necessitated that staff working in hospitals wear personal protective equipment (PPE), with direct consequences for nurses, doctors, therapists, technicians and anyone else carrying out their daily duties on site. While this precaution has been effective in reducing the transmission of infectious agents between people, it has put medical staff at greater risk of suffering heat stress and general discomfort.

For this reason, Andrews Air Conditioning was recently contacted by the estates team of a prominent hospital in Gloucestershire. Our client explained that the mandatory use of PPE had greatly affected many of their employees and as such they were looking to create specific areas on each ward that would allow overheating staff to take quick ‘cooling breaks’.

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