diesel heater hire

Going above and beyond for your space heater hire needs

Recently, a new customer was struggling to dry out their recently painted building in preparation for opening day. They were in desperate need of some industrial heaters to get the job done quickly.

Our dedicated sales engineers, assured the customer we would take care of it. He promptly gathered a team to deliver and install 2 ID65 indirect heaters.

Incredibly, our team of engineers and delivery drivers was able to coordinate the rush delivery to arrive the very next day after receiving the initial order. The customer was thrilled at the incredible turnaround time. As soon as the heaters were switched on, the building began warming up rapidly.

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The call for warmth from a supermarket in need of a space heater hire

When the call came in, our engineers learned that this particular retailer had never installed permanent heating. Relying on their low-output air handling unit, store temperatures plunged as low as 5°C – not conducive to a pleasant shopping experience! Their shivering staff had to wear winter coats and hats while customers rushed through their extensive lists to escape the cold as quickly as possible. That’s until we turned up, of course!

Something had to be one before the business iced over entirely.

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