
Sykes Pumps delivers seamless drainage solutions on site

When our customers site required comprehensive drainage maintenance, they turned to Sykes Pumps for a reliable and efficient solution. The project involved providing temporary overpumping for various areas of the site, including loading bays, while discharging to the on-site water treatment plant.

Our engineers swiftly responded with a tailored approach, deploying four 6″ Super Wispa pumps equipped with deep sea panels and float switches. These fully automatic, self-priming pumps were strategically installed, with their start/stop operation controlled via float switch operation. To facilitate the operation, we provided five road ramps, suction hoses and strainers, and over 100 lengths of 6″ discharge pipework, including bends and fittings.

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A Day in the Life of a Lorry Driver: Insights from Josh Ede

Marketing Assistant Jahdia Spencer gets a taste of life as a lorry driver and documents her experiences!

When it comes to imagining what a lorry driver does during a working day, it is assumed by the majority that they just sit behind a wheel and drive. But in reality, it takes much more than that to be a good lorry driver, especially on these traffic-infested London roads.
If you have ever wondered what it’s like to be a lorry driver, then this blog is for you. I had the privilege of shadowing and interviewing Josh Ede, a lorry driver who has been in the profession for two and a half years. Josh has been working with Andrews Sykes for the past year, and he shared some insights on what it’s like to be a lorry driver with us.

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