cooling hire

Enhancing exam room comfort

They say the destiny of a country rests with its students, and at Andrews Sykes, we are playing our part in ensuring the next generation reach the heights they are capable of! We are dedicated to providing innovative and reliable cooling solutions to meet the diverse needs of our clients. Recently, an all-boys school contacted us about hiring some Polar Wind Plus units – a requirement we were able to effortlessly fulfil on the same day we received an enquiry.

A common challenge during exam periods is maintaining an optimal temperature in the exam room without causing distractions. As summer approaches, the rooms in the school were becoming hotter than expected. With 27 students expected to take their exams simultaneously, the school needed a cooling solution that would efficiently cool the air while maintaining the comfort and concentration levels of pupils.

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Northampton Town FC seek air conditioning ahead of pre-season friendly

With clients ranging from sports clubs operating at the top level to everyday fitness centres and gymnasiums, Andrews Air Conditioning has a proven and extensive track record of supporting the sports and leisure industry.

In many cases, our relationships with customers span many years and are founded on an understanding that we deliver whatever is required in a prompt fashion.

This was once again evidenced on one of the hottest days of 2021, when Northampton Town FC approached us for a temporary cooling solution. A club representative called our Peterborough depot and specifically requested two portable Polar Wind units to reduce temperatures inside an office at their Sixfields Stadium.

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Summer heat necessitates fan hire for gym

Exercising in a gymnasium can be hard work at the best of times, particularly in facilities that are not blessed with efficient cooling systems. Compound this with a lack of air conditioning and a sharp upturn in seasonal temperatures, and there’s every chance that those engaging in physical activity feel even less comfortable both during and after their workout.  A Cumbrian high school recently reported that their indoor basketball courts and exercise areas were becoming unbearably hot for both staff and pupils. The school were extremely keen to ensure PE lessons continued per curriculum requirements, and recognised the importance of sourcing some cooling hire equipment.

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Famous London-based tailor seeks cooling equipment for customers

In some scenarios, cooling fans can be more a more effective and suitable way of reducing temperature than conventional air conditioning units. The Andrews cooling fan hire range has been specifically designed for this type of situation, and our units are regularly deployed in shops, retail outlets and similar environments.

A London heatwave during the summer of 2016 saw a longstanding customer approach us for some ventilation equipment, which they had used to cool their shop floor on previous occasions. Our client – one of Britain’s most esteemed tailors – was based in Westminster, and was looking to keep people comfortable while they browsed.

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