Emergency air conditioning hire secures BT’s Reigate data centre

During the hottest weekend of 2019, BT encountered some difficulties with the cooling of their data centre in Reigate, Surrey. The customer’s existing air conditioning system had failed unexpectedly and left critical servers in potential jeopardy, with internal temperatures estimated to have reached between 50⁰C and 60⁰C in the absence of climate control equipment.

An emergency replacement hire was subsequently required immediately, prompting Andrews to arrange the out-of-hours delivery of a 100kW chiller a short time after being contacted. The chiller was located outside the application and connected to an air handler deployed within the data centre itself, enabling large volumes of cold air to be circulated inside.

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Air conditioning hire safeguards BT exchanges at Old Street site

Andrews Air Conditioning was approached by BT after fears that a major telephone exchange was a risk of overheating. It was reported by the customer that their existing cooling system struggles to perform at full capacity once ambient temperatures exceed 28⁰C. They were looking to preserve telecommunications services from their site located at Old Street, which acts as a focal point for BT’s exchanges serving London.

With seasonal temperatures surpassing 30⁰C at the height of summer, BT requested a reliable temporary air conditioning hire to safeguard their network and protect exchange racks operated on behalf of other telecoms providers.

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