Boiler hire for colleges

Andrews Boilers helps leading university with bioscience medicine research

According to regulatory guidelines, educational leaders must ensure that student campus areas and facilities are at a certain temperature to help support their studies and maintain productivity. Although there is no legal minimum temperature in UK law, the World Health Organisation recommends a temperature of at least 16°C to ensure comfortable indoor working.

When a well-known university in the Midlands discovered that their current pipework had leaks within their district system, Andrews Boilers was urgently called to provide a temporary solution.

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Andrews Boilers enable students to occupy Scottish university campus

When a college in Kilmarnock required a temporary boiler on site to keep students warm during the construction of a new build, Andrews Boilers was urgently called in to provide a temporary substitute.

After a site visit had been conducted, our recommendation was to supply the client with a 500kW boiler hire unit along with a 2000 litre fuel tank, enabling extensive periods of operation once the equipment had been set up on site.

 Ongoing works in the area prevented our unit from being deployed in the designated plant room, but one of our engineers were able to identify an alternative location a short distance away. The restrictions we faced when positioning our boiler presented a challenge that we managed to overcome, resulting in us rerouting the flue.

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