Sykes Pumps provide emergency pumping equipment for flood relief across Northern England

Wide spread flooding throughout the North of England has dominated the UK news during the Christmas period. Thousands of homes have been affected and troops have been mobilised to assist the recovery effort. Many families have had their Christmas ruined by the severe flooding and continue to battle against rising water levels.

At Andrews Sykes we continue to support the recovery effort by supplying pumping equipment to the Environment Agency. Late on the 23rd December a call was received requesting further quantities of pumping equipment to be delivered and the Sykes Pumps team responded immediately by supplying 6” and 12” pumps from depots located across the North and from as far away as Heathrow.

Within 3 hours of the call the first pumps had arrived on site, with further units being delivered throughout the night, the final units arrived on site early the following morning. Along with the pumps, a large quantity of flexible hose and steel pipework was delivered, allowing the equipment to be quickly deployed and put into action. Murray Stewart – Regional Director of Andrews Sykes Hire, comments “Our depot and central logistics teams worked late into the evening to ensure that the equipment was delivered as quickly as possible, we were pleased to be able to provide some support to the local effort, helping to protect the residents and their property from further risk.”

Our equipment was included in national television news articles, with dramatic images posted on the Sky News social media sites, and live coverage on BBC news on Christmas Day.

As the floods start to slowly subside our pumping equipment will continue to be used aiding the recovery process. In addition to the pumping equipment Andrews Dehumidification have provided quantities of building dryers to the affected area with 100’s of additional units being made available for when the water levels start to reduce.