Sykes Pumps aids Cumbria pipeline installation

A Keswick-based contractor sought a tailored pump hire solution for the purpose of transporting water during an underwater tunnelling job, prompting them to contact Sykes Pumps. The proposed hire would allow the contractor to successfully proceed with the installation of a new pipeline that was being constructed to allow the transfer of water within Cumbria and back to a primary reservoir.

As the contractor’s site was experiencing a severe issue with run-off water, the scope for larger problems further down the line could have potentially stalled the entire development.

After the client established contact with Sykes Pumps, we arranged for a site survey to assess the environment and highlight any potential issues that could inhibit the project. Once our engineer had examined the site, a bespoke solution was implemented. This comprised of six submersible pumps operating together, providing a more effective combined solution.

Our pumps were used to transfer water uphill from lagoons into four soakaways located beneath a local road. The water was passed through a series of Sykes Silt Away units to remove sediment and impurities before being discharged into a stream. By transferring the water this way, we were able to ensure the tunnelling project taking place beneath the river withstood no interference whatsoever.

Thanks to our pump hire solution, a longstanding client was able to carry out a significant development scheme without incurring any disruption. The service and knowledge of our engineers were specifically cited as factors behind the smooth running of the project, which is a testament to the professionalism of the Sykes Pumps team.

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