One of England’s oldest working theatres seeks emergency cooling solution

An uncomfortably hot theatre can negatively affect both the concentration levels and general experience of guests. So, when one of England’s oldest working theatres put in an urgent request for some short-term cooling, Andrews Air Conditioning Hire was on hand to help.

Our client experienced an air conditioning failure in their main auditorium, leaving them without an effective cooling solution a few hours before a sold-out show. In order to achieve the client’s desired conditions, our solution was to provide and install a high capacity HPAC90 air conditioning unit.

Due to its sheer size, the unit was located in the set docking area behind the stage. It was switched on prior to each performance, with the cold air being ducted in and distributed to the main auditorium area, orchestra pit and stage.

This temporary air cooling system was effective in combating the application’s high temperatures, while allowing guests to enjoy their experience and the performances to continue as normal.

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