It’s not all glamour in the world of ventilation hire, but just occasionally….

Andrews Sykes Keeps Super Yacht on Schedule

No matter how exclusive the product, the same pressures and imperatives apply. Meeting demanding deadlines, and maintaining continuity of production is a universally vital aspect of manufacturing

In the case of something like a super-yacht, time and temperature sensitive processes involving leading edge techniques, exotic materials, and highly skilled crafts and trades all mean no interruption can be allowed and preserving optimal operating conditions in the work environment  are especially important

And of course, when the customer is spending millions of pounds, it’s not hard to imagine they might just be even more demanding when it comes to reliability of service

The Final Product – I’ll take one in red please

When a World Famous Yacht Company recently had a problem with their extraction system – they were in danger of not meeting their tight delivery requirements on one of their yachts, with potential for serious implications on quality control.

Our, perhaps, slightly less exotic kit doing it’s job just as effectively

One quick call to Andrews Sykes Ventilation Hire solved the problem. Within 24 hours  we were able to supply an FV600 with an air flow of  12100 m3/h to connect up to the customer’s existing ducting and production was resumed.