As part of the final stages of a restoration project for a warship that had been laying at the bottom of the ocean, the Project team needed to extract sea water from the wooden body and collect the it for analysis. The Warship had to be kept in a carefully managed climate control enclosure while the complicated process was undertaken – balancing the ambient conditions needed for the vessel as a whole and those necessary to accomplish controlled extraction from the ancient soaked timbers.
The restorers turned to Andrews Dehumidification for consultation on the best approach to achieve a very important mission – after a long and difficult journey, any mistake would be catastrophic.
Andrews Sykes Dehumidification recommended eight DH150 refrigerant dryers strategically placed around the tent. With three ASF21 Axial fans and seven FV100 fans to move the air around and direct moisture towards the dehumidifiers.
Buffer stock was kept at the local depot in case extra units were required – the process was so sensitive that once started it could not be stopped.
After eight weeks the process was successfully completed and a great historic treasure took another step in its several hundred year journey.