And just like that, a new, colder and wetter season is upon us! As the temperature changes, so, too, do the requirements of our customers. Colder weather also tends to lead to a rise in relative humidity – which is not something you should just accept or ignore!
What’s the answer, then? Well, it depends on the issue!
At this time of year especially, we tend to get a lot of enquiries from clients in the construction sector looking to accelerate the drying of wet trades, painting, and other finishing touches. By November, we’ll also start to receive a lot of requests for heating as a frost protection measure.
Fittingly, we’ve also just launched a new building dryer – the FD40 Series 2 – which was specifically introduced with this industry in mind!
It’s not just building sites, though. This week alone, we’ve had facilities managers, healthcare estates teams, and local authorities reach out to us for temporary heating solutions, and demand will only increase as thermometer readings plummet.
You’ll also probably start to notice the presence of condensation on your windows and surfaces, which can cause irreversible damage, mould growth and even impact your health. Whatever the issue, and whatever the reason for it, we can help you.
What about ventilation? It’s probably fair to conclude that clean air is hardly a seasonal requirement – but it does help if you know who to turn to! At Andrews, we have a very broad selection of multipurpose fans, as well as a modern range of air purifiers and air cleaners that have been designed for less industrial surroundings.
We hear the phrase ‘one stop shop’ a lot, but when it comes to climate control equipment, that’s exactly what we are. But it’s not just about our products. Unlike other suppliers, we have a nationwide presence, can deliver to any location at any time, and we always have engineers on standby in case you run into an emergency.
Are you likely to need heating, dehumidification, or ventilation over the coming weeks? Then give us a call. Today! On 0800 211 611.