Urgent humidifier hire protects data centre for airline company

A build-up of static electricity within server rooms and IT suites can be disastrous if not addressed, causing sensitive hardware to malfunction. For this reason, it was imperative that a temporary humidifier hire solution could be supplied to a customer complaining about conditions within a data centre for which they were responsible.

Our client – an international facilities services provider – was concerned about the effects low relative humidity was having on a leading aerospace company’s data centre. Guidelines recommend that RH should be maintained between 40-60% in order to protect electrical components and ensure the continued operation of all equipment.

After receiving a call late at night, our local expert visited the site in Edinburgh to gain a better perspective of the application. It was important that the data centre’s cooling capacities were taken into consideration as excessive humidity levels will require an air conditioning system to have to work harder. By surveying the environment, we were able to tailor a humidification hire arrangement to suit the unique needs of our customer.

It was decided that 12 H60 units would provide optimum humidity control and guarantee that relative humidity would not deviate from the desired level. These economical humidifiers offer compact, portable and economical solutions with low associated running costs.

Despite originally being contacted out of hours, our engineers reacted quickly to allow delivery and installation to be completed early the following day. Our client was delighted with the speed of our service which alleviated fears of a potentially catastrophic and costly breakdown.

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