Andrews Air Conditioning provide cooling for car showroom

Showrooms tend to have large areas of glazing and low-pitch ceilings. Together these features encourage heat increase on sunny days, even while the temperature outside is not extreme.

A luxury car dealer in Cheshire was affected by the warm weather conditions causing their showroom to overheat and creating discomfort for their clients. They promptly contacted Andrews Sykes to obtain the perfect solution. Due to the type of area, Andrews Air Conditioning sent in a local specialist for a full site survey, to establish the correct equipment on site. We provided 5 Kool Cube evaporative coolers and one of our Polar range units for the offices upstairs. These units were placed strategically around the building to create the perfect environment for their staff and customers.

Our client was very happy with the outcome. The hire still continues and the units will be necessary for the summer months to come. Andrews Air Conditioning offer a wide range of top quality air conditioning units for hire or sale.

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