A recent survey conducted by Andrews Heat for Hire has revealed that the average Briton spends an additional 24 hours in bed throughout the cold season.
People’s reluctance to confront the early morning cold causes them to hit the snooze button and delays the inevitability of actually getting out of bed, according to the findings.
Of those asked, 38 per cent of employed respondents said they were more likely to be late for work during winter because they found it harder to get up in the morning.
Statistics reveal that an ordinary person will be late for work seven times as a direct result of oversleeping, with 20% of those asked admitting that they’ve feigned illness to have a duvet day.
One in two Brits find it harder to get themselves out of bed in winter more than any other time of year, and a third think they are more likely to hit the snooze button when the mornings are dark and cold.
Following the revelations, an Andrews spokesman concluded: “Darker, colder mornings can make waking up in winter months more challenging than any other time of the year.
“And while an additional quarter of an hour snoozing each day doesn’t seem like a big sacrifice, over the course of the winter we lose an entire day to those few extra minutes in bed.”
Breaking it down further, it transpires that the Scottish are the quickest to get up when the weather’s bleak – possibly due to the fact that most residents are used to a slightly worse climate than some of the UK’s more southerly regions.
On average, the Scots spend an extra 14 minutes in bed when it’s cold outside. We found that those in Yorkshire are least likely to be quick risers, taking 17 additional minutes to rise.
One in two British citizens concede that they find it more difficult to get themselves out of bed in winter compared with any other time of the year, with a third admitting they are more likely to hit the snooze button when the mornings are dark and cold.
More than two in three of those asked say the lure of staying under the duvet is too tempting to turn down when it’s chilly outside.
It may seem slightly trivial but the link between bitter weather conditions and tardiness is plain for all to see.
With a cold snap predicted over the coming weeks, it seems there’s a very real likelihood that an extra few minutes in bed will become too inviting for the average person to turn down.
And the study shows that this tendency can often manifest itself in people being late for work or social occasions.
A full breakdown of the results is displayed below:
1. Generally, how easy or hard do you find it to get out of bed at each of the following times of year?
Very easy 30.45% (609)
Easy 38.15% (763)
Neither easy nor hard 21.80% (436)
Hard 7.25% (145)
Very hard 2.35% (47)
Very easy 39.00% (780)
Easy 36.25% (725)
Neither easy nor hard 16.55% (331)
Hard 6.25% (125)
Very hard 1.95% (39)
Very easy 18.70% (374)
Easy 30.50% (610)
Neither easy nor hard 29.05% (581)
Hard 17.80% (356)
Very hard 3.95% (79)
Very easy 13.10% (262)
Easy 15.40% (308)
Neither easy nor hard 21.05% (421)
Hard 30.75% (615)
Very hard 19.70% (394)
2. On a typical day, how much extra time do you think you spend in bed or snuggled with your duvet before getting out of bed after you have woken up? Please select best match (minutes)
1 – 5 13.25% (265)
6 – 10 17.65% (353)
11 – 15 16.50% (330)
16-20 12.00% (240)
21-25 6.55% (131)
26-30 8.55% (171)
31-35 2.20% (44)
36-40 1.10% (22)
41-45 0.75% (15)
46+ 3.85% (77)
N/a – I always get up as soon as I wake up 17.60% (352)
Average 16.08%
3. Do you find it more or less difficult to get out of bed when the weather is cold compared to when it is warm?
Much more difficult 30.55% (611)
Somewhat more difficult 37.50% (750)
No difference / not sure 29.30% (586)
Somewhat less difficult 1.20% (24)
Much less difficult 1.45% (29)
4. Do you find it more or less difficult to get out of bed when the mornings are dark compared to when they are light?
Much more difficult 31.65% (633)
Somewhat more difficult 36.60% (732)
No difference / not sure 29.70% (594)
Somewhat less difficult 1.00% (20)
Much less difficult 1.05% (21)
5. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statement? ‘I take special action to ensure my bed set-up is warmer in the winter months’ (For example extra blankets, hot water bottle etc.)
Strongly agree 26.75% (535)
Somewhat agree 34.30% (686)
Neither agree nor disagree 22.60% (452)
Somewhat disagree 11.30% (226)
Strongly disagree 5.05% (101)
6. Which of the measures below do you take to make your bed warmer in the winter months?
Extra blanket 44.88% (548)
Electric blanket 22.77% (278)
Thicker duvet 59.38% (725)
Hot water bottle 28.91% (353)
Move closer to the radiator/fireplace 4.10% (50)
None of the above 2.78% (34)
7. Have you ever been late for a social gathering or meet-up with friends during the winter months because you couldn’t tear yourself away from the covers to brave the cold?
Yes 20.00% (400)
No / N/a 80.00% (1600)
8. Generally, how many times over the winter months will you be late for a social gathering or meet-up with friends because you couldn’t tear yourself away from the covers to brave the cold? Please select best match
1 – 3 37.50% (150)
4 – 6 23.50% (94)
7 – 10 26.75% (107)
11 – 15 8.50% (34)
16-20 2.00% (8)
21+ 1.75% (7)
Average 6.03
9. Generally, how many times will you cancel a social gathering or meet-up with friends over the winter months just because you want to stay warm in your bed? Please select best match
1 – 3 12.25% (245)
4 – 6 5.60% (112)
7 – 10 6.95% (139)
11 – 15 3.80% (76)
16-20 1.00% (20)
21+ 0.50% (10)
N/a – I have never done this 69.90% (1398)
Average 6.29%
10. Are you currently employed?
Yes 61.35% (1227)
No 38.65% (773)
11. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statement? ‘I am more likely to be late for work during the winter months because I don’t want to get out of bed to brave the cold’
Strongly agree 10.11% (124)
Somewhat agree 28.28% (347)
Neither agree nor disagree 22.82% (280)
Somewhat disagree 13.53% (166)
Strongly disagree 25.26% (310)
12. How many times over the winter months do you think you will be late for work during the winter months because you don’t want to get out of bed to brave the cold? Please select best match
1 – 3 28.03% (132)
4 – 6 18.90% (89)
7 – 10 23.35% (110)
11 – 15 10.62% (50)
16-20 4.67% (22)
21+ 2.55% (12)
N/a – I would never be late for work 11.89% (56)
Average 7.09
13. Have you ever called in sick to work, just because you wanted to spend a day with your duvet?
Yes 20.86% (256)
No 79.14% (971)
14. Do you find it more or less difficult to work in the winter months compared to the other months of the year?
Much more difficult 14.34% (176)
Somewhat more difficult 36.76% (451)
No difference / not sure 46.45% (570)
Somewhat less difficult 1.87% (23)
Much less difficult 0.57% (7)
15. Do you think you generally sleep more or less in the winter months compared to the other months of the year?
Much more 10.45% (209)
Somewhat more 36.40% (728)
No difference / not sure 50.30% (1006)
Somewhat less 2.10% (42)
Much less 0.75% (15)
16. Which of the behaviours below do you think you observe in the winter months?
I set my morning alarm to a later time 13.05% (261)
I am more likely to hit the snooze button in the morning 32.20% (644)
I go to bed earlier 28.70% (574)
None of the above 40.35% (807)
17. Which of the below best describes you?
I am a night owl – I function better at night 35.25% (705)
I am an early bird – I function better in the mornings 34.75% (695)
Neither 30.00% (600)
18. Do you tend to put your heating on in the morning in winter?
Yes 72.20% (1444)
No 19.50% (390)
N/a – I do not have control over my heating 8.30% (166)
19. Do you generally set the heating to come on before you wake up so it’s warm when you need to get out of bed?
Yes 70.29% (1015)
No 29.71% (429)
20. How soon before you wake up do you set the heating to turn on (and continuously be on)? Please select best match in minutes where 180 minutes = 3 hours, and 240 minutes = 4 hours.
0-30 43.25% (439)
31-60 35.57% (361)
61-90 12.71% (129)
91-120 4.33% (44)
121-180 0.89% (9)
181-240 0.39% (4)
241+ 2.86% (29)
Average 45.89