Andrews Heat for Hire provide heating for motorway reconstruction

One of the busiest and longest motorways in the UK has recently required repair work carrying out due to the sheer amount of continual traffic travelling down it each day. Construction work on the road had to be completed at certain times of the day, one section at a time, in order to prevent traffic build up. A ‘bent’ which is a beam mounted on top of pylons 20 meters high and helps support the motorway structure, along the motorway there are around 80 of these bents and which are worked on by engineers five at a time, throughout the year. During the strengthening process, a new protective coating is applied to the “bents”, this coating cannot be allowed to go below a temperature of 5°C for a period of 24 hours after its application, therefore temporary heating is required during the curing period and hence the need for the client to call Andrews Heat for Hire for a solution.


Birmingham Heat for Hire service


The local Andrews Heating and Ventilation specialist visited the project and after discussing the alternatives with the main contractor, arranged for the delivery of five ID60 kW mobile heaters, complete with mobile fuel buggy’s, ducting and thermostats.  Combining the ID60’s with fuel buggy’s ensures the extended unattended running time of equipment. This was important in this case where the temperature had to be kept above 5°C for 24 hours and also enabled work to be carried out during colder evenings and nights when the temperature was most likely to drop. This task was completed to the satisfaction of the client who was most impressed with the service and equipment from the local Birmingham depot.