Blog21 November 2013

Andrews Heat for Hire heats warehouse from a height

A production company recently moved into an old manufacturing warehouse in Scotland. The warehouse had been unoccupied for a number of years, yet areas have now been transformed into film sets, a staff canteen and a range of production areas. Several of these areas needed temporary heating. An Andrews Heat for Hire engineer discussed the client’s heating requirements and concluded that an Aurora FH4000 would be the perfect answer to their heating problem. This heater has a range of ducting outlets, is portable and can even be stacked if necessary.

As filming took place on site, it was essential that the ducting was installed in a manner that would ensure it did not get in the way of filming. The ducting was therefore installed at ceiling height which also meant that it did not interfere with the forklifts being used in the warehouse for scenery movements. After a 24 week hire the client was extremely pleased with the efficiency of the equipment and service Andrews Heat for Hire provided.

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