Andrews Air Conditioning at London Excel Facilities Show

This week Andrews Air Conditioning was found at the Facilities Show 2014, held at the ExCel Exhibition Centre in London. This three day exhibition – from the 17th to the 19th of June – displayed a range of our finest units. Moreover it was the perfect opportunity to promote both, Andrews Air Conditioning fixed service and installation, as well as Andrews Air Conditioning portable hire service. Some examples of the products showcased were – the Polar Wind Plus portable air conditioner- which created much interest amongst the industry’s specialists. This unit is an A-rated appliance and energy efficient proving it to be the top of its kind.

Furthermore, another outstanding unit on show was the PAC22, one of our larger and more powerful stylish water – cooled ‘Split’ portable air conditioners.

The stand was designed to display how the units would appear in situ. The stall was halved into two different captivating backdrops, one being a Server Room where our famous PAC22 was stationed. On the other side, the backdrop was an open office space. This is an ideal environment for the Polar Wind Plus.

We showcased an ASF50 cooling fan which demonstrated the circulation of air, this attracted visitors to talk about the immediate breeze created by the unit.

Equally, there was a lot of curiosity concerning the Polar Breeze Plus. It was one of our star units up for grabs. The product’s capacity and suitability for any office/classroom application drew in many enquiries. In addition, we ran a competition based on a certain football tournament in Brazil, where the participant needed to guess the score and time of the first goal for a chance to win. One lucky winner was named on each of the three days, receiving a Polar Breeze Plus.